Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog Entry #5.9C- PSA Concept

Title of your PSA:

What is the main topic of your PSA?
sexual orientation

Target audience:
both sexes that likes the same sex or both sex (bisexuals)

What solution will your PSA promote?
to not judge homo sexuals or gays

What is your tag line?
never judge a book by its cover

What will we see happening in your PSA? What is the story? (At least one paragraph, if not more! Be extremely detailed!)
the story behind my psa is that if your gay you shouldnt feel ashamed because you are people to. dont feel like you have to change just to fit in wit the crowd. if you no what you like why should it matter what or who anyne else like only you matter to you. think about it?

Blog Entry #5.9B

Name of PSA: Bristol Palin on Abstinence

Target audience:young women

Tagline:Pause before you play

Message:think before you have sex

Sound used:flashing lights

Visual imagery used: he high school pictures and her mother and her and her baby

Text used:pause before you play

How did you feel when viewing this PSA? What were your emotions?
smart because its basically telling think before yu have sex
What action do you feel you need to take after viewing this PSA?

What is one specific change that would make this PSA more effective?
nothing its perfect

Blog Entry #5.9A - Evaluation

Name of PSA:Brain on Drugs

Target audience:people who are not on drugs

Tagline: this is your brain on drugs

Message: Dont do drugs or your life will be over

Sound used:loud banging screaming and yelling and the driping of the egg

Visual imagery used: dull its was gloomy and it was one person with a frying pan

Text used: partnership for a Drug Free America

How did you feel when viewing this PSA? What were your emotions?
i felt shocked and it made not want to ever do drugs

What action do you feel you need to take after viewing this PSA?
spread the word and to never do drugs because it will end your life

What is one specific change that would make this PSA more effective?
what woulod of made it active is that she should of made more examples and really explain all types of drugs and not just that on drug. also they should of but the tagline in side of the psa!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010